Top Facts about Burj Khalifa

Top Facts about Burj Khalifa

More than the zillion times we discussed the emperor of the architecture Burj Khalifa, it will never get bored. It has a lot of achievements and secrets behind each step of its construction to inauguration. We will see the top 16 facts about Burj Khalifa which will blow your mind with aspiring moments.

1. The most challenging building in the world Burj Khalifa’s height is not so predictable. It is three times taller than the Eifel Tower and two times more than the Emperor State building. Yeah! It’s 828m (2716.5 ft) taller. This unimaginable height will surely take the visitors above the cloud and below the sky. This is one of the undeniable facts about Burj Khalifa.

2. This tallest king of construction has these records on its shelf,

  • The tallest freestanding structure in the world
  • Has the highest number of stories in the world
  • Has the highest occupied floor in the world
  • Has the highest outdoor observation deck in the world
  • Has the elevator with the longest travel distance in the world
  • The tallest service elevator in the world

This ain’t the end. Besides having this many Guinness world records (which is another undeniable fact about Burj Khalifa) it may have a few in the future for newer categories. Let’s wait and watch.

3. Why this taller art is wasting gallons of water in the name of the Dubai Fountain dance? This question arises in everyone’s mind but the answer is “No”. The sustainability and recycling of resources are admirable facts about the Burj Khalifa. Yes! Each year it collects 15 million gallons of water in a sustainable method and is used for irrigation purposes, cooling systems and to supply the Dancing Dubai Fountain.

4. If you are a person who is fond of heights, then Burj Khalifa is the exact place you are searching for. One can find the highest residential apartment in Burj Khalifa which is another fact about it.

5. Who doesn’t want to enjoy the adventurous and thrilling view of Dubai City from 555 meters height of the World’s highest outdoor observation deck in the world? This fact about Burj Khalifa is one of the main reasons to attract its visitors around the world.

6. The construction of this mega man-made miracle required the application of 330,000 cubic meters of concrete, equal to the weight of 100,000 elephants. OMG! Think rowing those elephants in the world’s largest corridor! Unbelievable!

7. Imagine bearing the weight of a single Airbus A380 airliner. How terrific! But Aluminum used to build Burj Khalifa weighs as much as 5 Airbus A380 airliners.

8. Even though this is the tallest construction in the world, the exterior of the Burj Khalifa is covered with 26,000 glass panels, all cut individually by hand. This is one of the major facts about Burj Khalifa.

9. Here we go to the fun fact about Burj Khalifa, its shape is aspired and inspired by traditional Islamic architecture and by the Spider Lily, a desert flower cultivated throughout the UAE. Have a doubt! Then take a look at the skyscraper from above, you’ll see the similarity!

10. Inside this surprise, you’ll also find the world’s second Armani Hotel, after one in Milan. This hotel has no reception, as Giorgio wanted to treat their guest as they come to his home.

11. In the movie, Mission Impossible – Ghost Protocol, Tom Cruise climbed this monster of heights which becomes a major fun fact about the skyscraper.

12. The building was supposed to be called Burj Dubai, but its name was changed to Burj Khalifa to honour Sheikh Khalifa, ruler of Abu Dhabi.

13. This fact is not very well known to everyone but it is a major considerable beauty. Yes. Burj Khalifa’s tip can be seen from up to 95km away on clear days!

14. It is tall as well as clean too. It takes 90 days to tidy up the windows from top to bottom. Once done, it’s another beginning!

15. Over 10,000 fireworks were shot from the Burj Khalifa to celebrate its grand inauguration in 2010.

16. Last fact but not least. Burj Khalifa may soon lose its record as “The Tallest Building in the world” as the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah is rising up gradually with a height that exceeds 1000 meters!

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